Termites Are Taking Over Arizona

The beginnings of termite damage on drywall found in a home garage in Gold Canyon, Arizona.

The beginnings of termite damage on drywall found in a home garage in Gold Canyon, Arizona.

Termites are one of the most destructive pests in Arizona.  I am constantly pointing out mud tunnels to customers while out on my route in the East Valley.  There are so many unsuspecting people falling victim to these nasty little creatures.  Many people are under the impression that simply spraying a chemical will get rid of termites, however, that is not the case.

“Trench and drench,” is a method where a licensed pest professional trenches the entire perimeter of a home, drenches said trench with termiticide and then covers it up.  This along with sometimes drilling holes into/treating cement slabs around home usually solves the termite problem, depending on the severity of the termite issue.

One of the most common places termite tunnels will be found in Arizona is on the stem wall of a house. This is because the stem wall is the closest thing to the ground/dirt. So termites will build their way up into the foundation, and anything else they can, to please their appetite. The problem is, that sometimes from the outside, the damage doesn’t seem like much, but inside those walls, they are destroying your home.


Termite tunnel found, building up stem wall of house, Maricopa, Arizona.

Termite tunnel found, building up stem wall of house, Maricopa, Arizona.

Group of termite tunnels found in a garage in Mesa, Arizona.

Group of termite tunnels found in a garage in Mesa, Arizona.

You might notice one day that you have some mud tunnels on the exterior of your house, you think maybe knocking them down will solve the problem.  Then, a few weeks later, not only are those tunnels back, but some have appeared on the interior of your home…yikes!

Hiring a pest control professional as soon as you start to notice any termite tunnels is your best bet at ridding your home of uninvited “guests”. Contact Bug Off Pest Control today by calling 480-370-5075!