Contact us now to get rid of your unwanted guests. Scorpion, pest and termite and pre-emergent weed control.
Contact us now to get rid of your unwanted guests. Scorpion, pest and termite and pre-emergent weed control.
Bug Off Pest Control is a family-owned and operated company dedicated to removing unwanted guests from your home and building. We take our business seriously and you can count on us to arrive when we say we will, communicate with you, and give you our best recommendations to solve your problems.
Your satisfaction is truly important to us. So important, we guarantee it.
Corey Finley
I have been in the pest industry since 2005 and manage all our commercial accounts, mosquito services and weed control. I get a great deal of satisfaction in getting fruit flies out of commercial kitchens and ridding commercial buildings of rodents.
My wife (Jaelee) and I have two boys, Corey Jr. and our youngest Conor. When I am not providing pest control services I am spending as much time with them as possible. If I have some free time outside of that, I also love hunting and fishing when I am able.
The things we do for our clients:
I will never forget a bee removal I did in Gold Canyon in the middle of one summer. The hive was located under a shed floor and had been there for some time. I removed the bees to the best of my ability without cutting into the floor (the customers preference) The bees were so aggressive, I had to leave the bee suit on after I was done and drive with the windows down to the next job for the bees to get off of my veil/suit. It was the most aggressive hive I have dealt with to date. I returned three days later and the bees were completely gone.
Amber Finley
I have been performing pest control and rodent control for most of our residential customers since 2012. My brother Corey and I work together as a team on termite treatments.
Born and raised in Arizona. I volunteer at a cat rescue on the weekends. In my free time, I love to spend time with my own cats, and friends. I have played guitar for 20 years.
My family, my nephews and my cats give me the greatest joy.
The things we do for our clients:
One time I treated a really roach-infested condominium in Phoenix. It was so bad, there were roaches falling from the ceiling. This can be typical for roach infestations, but this one in particular was just so bad. German Roaches actually produce an odor if there are many present. It smelled horrible - this was the worst place I had seen in my seven years. It took a couple of treatments to get the place under control. But we finally did!
Jaelee Finley
I answer the phones and make the daily technician schedules. Born and raised in Arizona, I am honored and fortunate to work with such a great family company. I joined Bug Off after Corey and I had our first baby.
When I am not at work, I am with my family and friends. Corey and I have two boys that love to be outside playing all day. They are our greatest joy.